Tuesday, May 26, 2009

GPS Thoughts

For Reference: The one I have is a Garmin Nuvi 760
it came with the FM Traffic Receiver which is part of the Lighter Power plug.
When you borrowed the GPS, traffic subscription trial (3 months) expired and was not functioning.
I have since paid $60 to add LIFETIME TRAFFIC via Clearchannel FM reception.

I have had mine for about 1 year now and we still love it.
To respect what others have reported, your mileage can vary if you get a bad unit from the start.

Of course I bring my gadgets home and immediately update the software/firmware!.
So this might explain why I might not have seen the issues others have seen.
They might not have performed any updates on it.
They (all manufactures) do fix stuff .... technologies need user adjustment.
Not all are perfect turn-key systems.

Features to consider:

Model Numbers:
Garmin just like HP like to keep changing model numbers.
I have seen a 255W and a 255WT
The T being TRAFFIC (READ if says LIFETIME or NOT)

I have really only looked at Garmin units lately.
I am sure Tom Tom is all competative with features.
I am liking ALL the Garmin products I have ....
3 GPS's over the years ... GPS II+ , GPSMAP60C handheld, an now NUVI 760.

Used to wirelessly connect to your Cell Phone (if your phone has Bluetooth capability).
- Allows the Voice Command feature to make a phone call through your Cell Phone.
- Exchanges data with your cell phone to get your complete Contact List from your phone onto the GPS to create the Call Directory.
The phone audio is played out through your GPS for two way hands free operation.
My Opinion: In my experience this works pretty good!

FM Transmitter:
Uses this to send the sound output to the FM Radio installed in your vehicle.
You have to dedicate your radio to that Freq. = No music on the road.
As an alternative ... You can put MP3 songs in the GPS and that will play through the radio.
In my experience ALL - FM transmitters SUCK.

Voice Command:
The portable GPS I have had do not have this feature.
Sue's Chrysler 300 and my Dodge Charger (almost identical Navigation Units) support voice command of the Stereo and Navigaton.
It works with a lot of mis-commands/wrong radio station. I would give that a rating of barely OK.
My Opinion: I would not buy (or not buy) a unit because of this feature.

Map Version/year/Provider.
A few major providers- Navteq and Delorme ... others. may be relabled versions created by a major map company.
Garmin typically uses Navteq.
If you look on Garmins site under Maps for Sale :
Garmin Maps For Sale https://buy.garmin.com/shop/shop.do?pID=1456#
You can see the ICON for NAVTEQ on the image of the CD cover.
The maps are the same maps all the GPS makers have, and are at the mercy of Navteq, Delorme, Rand McNally etc.

Traffic Provider:
2 major providers - 1. ClearChannel or 2. MSN Data Network
You need to correct receiver (part of power plug) to be capable to receive.
You need an active subscription.
Some GPS's now come with LIFETIME TRAFFIC (ClearChannel/FM)

Other News Weather Sports features:
Only available with the MSN traffic/data package subscription.
MSN Service Description

Memory Card Slot:
Most of the latest GPS units have an optional SD memory card slot.
this can hold:

  • Music MP3's,
  • Photos (slideshow while you drive)
  • MAP Points of interests , waypoints (Differs by unit)
  • MAP CARDS available from GARMIN.
    Add EUROPE or Garmin MAD MAPS scenic routes.


All come with suction cup mount. (Except California - no mount allowed on windshield) I like the beanbag mount I let you borrow ... lets you put it close to you on the edge of the dash. also allows the you can get the OE Gamin beanbag or the universal like mine.

Fact Statements by Ron B.
(To dispute or clarify bad remarks found in reviews)

- No MAPS are completely accurate. Claims that Garmin (or other maker) sucks because they don't have roads in your neighborhood (such as your new Rt 43 Whitemarsh)

- Map datum's are acquired from a Map company. Not worth comparing one vs the other, just different missing roads/poi.
(electronic version of maps are just copies of the paper maps you have used until now).
Map Updates - Almost all are updatable to 2009 version of the respective Map Product.
(maybe even 2010 versions soon?)
Some offer a free one time map updgrade to the latest depending on the time frame of when you buy compared to when the new version is released.
Some also offer LifeTime MAP's?
Some you will have to buy and download and install the new map set.
(Just like buying a new Rand McNally car map! you get new one every couple years to get the new roads etc.)

Even our car nav systems are upgradeable via a CD.
- Two parts are upgradeable
- 1. System Software (Firmware) that runs all the features.
2. the Map Data and supplied Points of Interest (POI's).
Note: for car systems I have downloaded new versions and created a CD and updated the car system, seems to work fine, probably fixed bugs and added a couple features)

- ALL FM transmitters SUCK! Don't falt GARMIN (or any other maker). SIRIUS satellite radio receivers have that same problem. Go wired!

- Satellite Acquisition - initial startup can/should take a minute or two, then should be solid tracking of your position the rest of the day.
Tunnels are still a problem for satellite comms. Your GPS will "approximate" your speed and direction for a while before declaring a signal lost. I can make it 90% of the way through the Harbor tunnel before loss of signal is reported. While this is going on it shows my moving right along on the display the whole time and I found that pretty accurate. I am sure if you STOPPED in the middle the GPS will still show you moving.
(Built in GPS actually use your vehicle speed sensor)

- Some units did have issues with the Turn Now prompt being AFTER the exit!
I think all those were patched with updates.
I have seen this a little bit when you come across road intersections that have been recently rebuilt. Such as I-895 split/join with I-95 around Baltimore MD. Think about it ... how would the GPS "know" that the exit has moved 500 yds east and 800yds north?.

- Prompt for turns should start about 1 or 2 miles out alerting to turn soon. then about 1/4 mile it should prompt again. and then right at the turn it should say Turn Now or Exit Now.

- Don't count on Voice Command Features.

- Sound output ... I believe my Garmin 760 sound is very good.
I have read all the reviews/comments about the sound being lower ... that could be a deal breaker.
If that feature is very important to you then do NOT get the 855 until the sound volume is confirmed and/or resolved.

a lot of the complaints come from a misunderstanding of "how it works" and 'What the features really do". What do you "expect". If you do not get it, you end up very dissappointed and frustrated. Once you get to understand it better.

How YOU use the product:
- When/how often -Daily, Weekends, nights,
Important Feature: Big Screen or small and portable? Put in Luggage for travel?
- What for - Delivery service, sunday drive, Help Me ! I'm lost.
Important feature: Business POI's, Bluetooth Cell Phone support.
- Basic needs : Where am I Now? How do I get to?
Important Feature: Point of Interest Lookup!
- Sight/Hearing issues:
Important Feature: Big Screen and loud volume. "IF' the FM transmitter link works you can have sound (Voice Turn Prompts, beep, buzz indications) through auto sound system.
Preferred Audion out JACK for a cable to go to Audio In on Car Stereo. Cassette Tape Adapter works AWESOME. FM TRANSMITTER IDEA SUCKS in real world.

Other links to review:

Some GPS Blog

Amazon for sale page has a Table with feature list of Gamins

NEW! Another option is to replace your complete radio in the truck with a full radio/Navigation system. ??? Does cost some $$$ but makes it a LOT cleaner without the wires and plugs.
Of course this is a non portable choice, so you can't use it in another vehicle or lend it to a friend :-)

That is all off the top of my head .... I wil capture what I wrote here and add to it.
If you have questions on any particular thing let me know and I will focus on that.

- Cheers

Saturday, May 23, 2009